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Posts Tagged "leadership"

Competencies – Key behaviours

Competencies – Key behaviours

Job competencies are the skills and personal characteristics that an individual should possess in order to be successful in a position. Here is a small sample of the most commonly identified competencies, key behaviours and interview questions… Achievement Oriented Analytical Ability Communication Skills (Oral & Written) Creativity Decision Making Skills Diversity Orientation Flexibility Initiative Interpersonal Skills Motivation Judgment Leadership Management…read more →

Motivational Maintenance

Motivational Maintenance

Motivated people are central to organisational success. In a recent survey over 80% of employees said that recognition from their ultimate boss, “praise from their immediate manager” and an honest approach from management would increase their motivation. This course offers a practical guide on what motivates and de-motivates people. It also examines how to maximise performance and achieve the best…read more →